Remote Labs

Remote Learning Labs have been enabled for January 2022 to facilitate the migration to Online Learning at UVic from January 10th to January 24th.

The Engineering Remote Lab service provides access to Engineering and Computer Science Lab Computers from off campus using a web browser. The Engineering Remote Lab service supports secure client authentication using NetLink ID credentials through most modern web browsers.

This service allows faculty, staff, and students to access to remote desktop computing resources for specific courses from outside the Faculty of Engineering.

Before logging into the Engineering Remote Labs service, please verify with your instructor that these services are available for your students registered in your course.

  1. Navigate to the Engineering Remote Lab ( web server.
  2. Log-in with your NetLink credentials.

Remote Labs in ECS

The following Computer Science Labs are accessible to students registered in specific courses during the current term:

  • ECS354 - Lectures and Labs for the Graphics courses are currently in-person only (no remote-access).