
ECS Building Access, January 10th to January 24th 2022
The University has moved to online learning for the beginning of January 2022 term. All undergraduate labs have been closed, and course delivery will be entirely delivered online until January 24th. The University is currently planning for a complete resumption of face-to-face course deliver for January 25th.
For the latest news on UVic’s Covid-19 response check https://www.uvic.ca/covid-19/index.php.

Computer Science E-Learning Services

The Department of Computer Science has the following facilities available to assist instructors and students with remote access and E-Learning requirements.

Additional Information for Instructors

Additional reference material on Department E-Learning systems for instructors can be found in Instructor Resources.

University Wide E-Learning Services

In addition to specialized systems available within the Department, instructors can access additional services that are available through the University’s centralized tools to support online teaching: